Upcoming Events

Emily has been a dedicated supporter of the military and she’s back at it again raising money to support the U.S. Navy SEALs and their families through the SEAL Family Foundation.
In order for the SEAL Family Foundation to provide it’s spectrum of family resiliency programs to the Naval Special Warfare community, we host a variety of events throughout the year to raise awareness about what we do and to raise resources. We do this through various gala dinners, auctions, golf tournaments, and providing online opportunities. We could not continue to offer our family resiliency building programs and services for our families without hosting these fundraising efforts.
If you are interested in hosting an event and leading an opportunity to raise awareness in your community and raise resources for our cause, please contact us.
Email: events@sealfamilyfoundation.org
Phone: 760-533-7172
Thank you for your continued support.
For detailed infomation about our events, click the PDF for our Event Brochure.